Well said. I dig the spinning Pepè fren.

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The NMP dance answers so many Clown World questions!

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I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

Something tells me you’re not Japanese either.

Diarrhea of accusations zogbot etc… I’m really not any of those things, and I’m doubtful you have any skills, or are American, or write your own material.

The Zog accusation usually betokens a self loathing Jew, BTW, but that’s too real for you.

I have worked minimum wage jobs mind you, but the government wasn’t so unwisely generous then, and then (20 years ago) we weren’t proud of being unemployed or unemployable. I went from $93K then to like $15K , then back up into the $60sK , then back to $90sK. That was the tech bust that took down telecom with it.

We recovered, but not on unemployment. Lol.

Now tell me why my tax dollars should pay you to be an insufferable little parasite?

Or the fiat inflation that’s paying you to be a bum.

Tell me why we don’t put you in a ditch and bury your parents mistakes after letting you starve?

You’re not contributing, except gas on the internet.

I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

At present the government will pay you to be stay at home rancid, but not forever.

And you’re coming across as not American at all, certainly not Japanese, nor genuine. In fact you come across as being different people on shift work, using some bot to generate drivel.

Does that pay the bills in Rawalpindi or wherever you are?

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BTW China appears to have the transactional social problem, which is why they can’t build jet engines. Or frankly much at all not taught by us, and financed by trade with us. This is why they must have tyranny or collapse again into war. There’s your transactional society, with 100% soy.

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You speak as if Weimerica is any different.

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Yes it is.

I’m American.

Mind you I have nothing against China, it’s just we should have nothing to do with them, speaking of airplanes crashing into sidewalks.

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Pay you for what?

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Whatever they want.

Otherwise they don't want it badly enough and can keep seething while planes identify as sidewalks!

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You’re an author of fiction?

Can you tell the airplanes not to land on the sidewalks?

Can you do anything essential?

And I rather doubt you say fuck you much in person.

Fuck you pay me was from Mafia loansharks to people who owed them money, or were weak enough to allow them into their lives. Mind you to a point they could back it up, but normally not very far if you didn’t borrow money or weren’t a criminal.

So what did you do during COVID that was essential? I had 3 essential jobs, no kidding, and did them all. Mind you only 1-2 at any one time.


National Guard

Kept family business alive pro bono.


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You're a zogbot bragging about serving the very Evil that has created Clown World, and you are virtue signaling that you're better than me?

For the humans in the audience, this is what a triggered NPC looks like. They get so fucking mad when real humans - beings with thoughts, a mind, and a soul utterly reject their false reality, involving notions such as voluntarily supporting the surveillance state that was amplified immensely with the holocoof, as well as becoming one of the enforcers of Weimerican values such as sodomy and child molestation.

You just know it's one of the boomer NPCs based men clown on because no, we won't enable your carnival of petty bullshit, and certainly not for 11 dollars an hour!

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I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

Something tells me you’re not Japanese either.

Diarrhea of accusations zogbot etc… I’m really not any of those things, and I’m doubtful you have any skills, or are American, or write your own material.

The Zog accusation usually betokens a self loathing Jew, BTW, but that’s too real for you.

I have worked minimum wage jobs mind you, but the government wasn’t so unwisely generous then, and then (20 years ago) we weren’t proud of being unemployed or unemployable. I went from $93K then to like $15K , then back up into the $60sK , then back to $90sK. That was the tech bust that took down telecom with it.

We recovered, but not on unemployment. Lol.

Now tell me why my tax dollars should pay you to be an insufferable little parasite?

Or the fiat inflation that’s paying you to be a bum.

Tell me why we don’t put you in a ditch and bury your parents mistakes after letting you starve?

You’re not contributing, except gas on the internet.

I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

At present the government will pay you to be stay at home rancid, but not forever.

And you’re coming across as not American at all, certainly not Japanese, nor genuine. In fact you come across as being different people on shift work, using some bot to generate drivel.

Does that pay the bills in Rawalpindi or wherever you are?

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I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

Something tells me you’re not Japanese either.

Diarrhea of accusations zogbot etc… I’m really not any of those things, and I’m doubtful you have any skills, or are American, or write your own material.

The Zog accusation usually betokens a self loathing Jew, BTW, but that’s too real for you.

I have worked minimum wage jobs mind you, but the government wasn’t so unwisely generous then, and then (20 years ago) we weren’t proud of being unemployed or unemployable. I went from $93K then to like $15K , then back up into the $60sK , then back to $90sK. That was the tech bust that took down telecom with it.

We recovered, but not on unemployment. Lol.

Now tell me why my tax dollars should pay you to be an insufferable little parasite?

Or the fiat inflation that’s paying you to be a bum.

Tell me why we don’t put you in a ditch and bury your parents mistakes after letting you starve?

You’re not contributing, except gas on the internet.

I’m with Lenin, he doesn’t work shall get no bread.

At present the government will pay you to be stay at home rancid, but not forever.

And you’re coming across as not American at all, certainly not Japanese, nor genuine. In fact you come across as being different people on shift work, using some bot to generate drivel.

Does that pay the bills in Rawalpindi or wherever you are?

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